02 December, 2010

Where dreams are made

Good evening kidda's. I thought I would make good use of a Fujifilm camera that I took out of college today and snap some photos of my room as it was looking very neat and tranquil. I love the way my room looks at night because it looks all cosy and pretty. I would like to get some more things up around my room, like more photos (maybe some polaroid ones, i really want a polaroid camera haha) and I would like a corkboard thing where my friends can pin things up on and stuff. In advance, I would like to say sorry about the lack of photos, because when I took these it was dark and I hate photos with flash when its dark so yeah...

The "Lumos" idea on the lightswitch is all credit to "Becky May's Belongings". I loved the idea so much that I did it to my own lightswitch, being the nerdy harry potter fan that I am! Also, what do you think of my new layout girls? Im really liking it. Until next time

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