Ola' blogettes! Thought I'd show you all what I bought when I went into town on sunday.
I aimed to not spend my money but as soon as I got into H&M it was like BAM! there goes all my money! So I bought four things but my camera ran out of charge before I could take a photograph of the last item. It was only a plain lilac coloured basic tee so nothing that interesting.
Black & White striped top: £4.99
Pale green pumps: £5.00 sale woohoo!

I aimed to not spend my money but as soon as I got into H&M it was like BAM! there goes all my money! So I bought four things but my camera ran out of charge before I could take a photograph of the last item. It was only a plain lilac coloured basic tee so nothing that interesting.
Grey leather jacket: £15.00 Sale again woohoo!
And finally I didnt buy this but I took a photo of my room because I thought it looked quite tidy hehe :)
So thats my small H&M haul done, I feel like I need to do a makeup haul soon, I havent bought makeup in soooo long which is weird for me because normally when I go to town I can easily just blow £30 on food and makeup haha!
Until next time