19 December, 2010

30 things I want to do #003

hello girls, sorry it has been like nearly a week or so since I last posted anything on here. I had a very busy week this week with college and everything so couldnt find time to take some photos for a blog post I wanted to do about some latest purchases. But that post will be coming tomorrow for sure!

Im so glad that I have broken up for christmas now! I cant wait til christmas day as I have no idea what pressies im getting because the only thing I asked for was this swatch watch off my mum and dad and that was it! I had a really good last day in college on friday. A boy in my class brought in his wii and we had a whole day of guitar hero battles. It was so funny and the odd muse song popped up (which I was most pleased at haha). Anyway, onto the "30 things I want to do"

#20 Buy a lipstick, an eyeshadow, a blusher and a brush from MAC
#19 Get some streaks like Katy Perry's #18 Go to the Big Chill festival
#17 Make a rainbow cake, exactly like the one below.

#16 Learn to walk in high heels.

So that was the third installment of this mini series. How yummy does that rainbow cake look! I seriously want to make on these and then cover it in loads of american frosting! omnomnom. I loved katy perrys hair when she had those coloured streaks in it. I am thinking of getting something different done to my hair and might try some cool colours out in my hair. Im still undecided. I also really like whitneys hair in this photo. She has reddy caramel underneath and then highlights of blonde and brown on top. What do you think?
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