Hey girls, so im not gonna blabber on about "becoming a new person and all" now that its a new year, because i dont really think its a fresh start or anything. I just think its another year in my life which will bring me lots more memories, laughs, new experiences and so on. I hope you all had a nice new years eve. If im honest I couldnt be bothered to do anything because I was so tired. The reason for this is because my sleeping pattern has become totally f'd up these past couple of days. Ive been staying up til 3 or 4 on the laptop talking to friends, video calling and helping them and then not waking up til 10 in the morning!
I went shopping a couple days ago and bought some lovely new purchases and they were all new clothes for college! woo. I will deffinetely take some photos for you all and do a "spending my moolah" post. On to other things.. I went to the horse races in Cheltenham yesterday and actually really enjoyed myself. I did also like drooling at all the hot country boys with their green country coats and posh accents! I also won £25 on a horse which I didnt even know was winning until it started overtaking all the other horses haha.

(i cant help but flashing the peace sign sometimes)