Ola bloggettes! I was meaning to get this post up earlier but a close friend of mine whom I had never met but had grew really close to over msn died about a day ago. He was one of those people that only had love in his heart to give and share and sadly he had a terminal illness that couldnt be cured. Me and all his other friends thought he had so much more longer but sadly he was under alot of stress from splitting up with his girlfriend of 11 months that I guess his body and mind couldnt take it anymore and so he felt it was time to pass. The one thing I was glad to hear about was that just before he died in the hospital he was told by his gf to "let go and that it would be alright". I just hope he went knowing how much everybody loved and adored him.
Anyway thats all I am going to say about that, I dont want to dwell on it over my blog. This post is mainly just on some items that I have bought over the past week/s.
Anyway thats all I am going to say about that, I dont want to dwell on it over my blog. This post is mainly just on some items that I have bought over the past week/s.

So they were my lovely items that I bought, I actually need your help. I am a little stuck on what to wear with my new heart printed tights? As its bladdy freezing in the UK i want to wear them but still keep warm. All comments will be very helpful! (On a side note: R.I.P Jamie: for the short time I knew you, you inspired me to be a better person and to hear that you were an organ donor has inspired me to be one too, take care)
Until the next post,