Morning lovelies. First of all before I get into the What's in my bag post I would like to talk about Harry Potter quickly. I went to see it yesterday and to be very honest... it rocked my socks! Okay what a crap phrase. Basically it was amazing. It kept me interested the whole time and when I was watching it I couldnt stop thinking "since when did Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint get so... hot". Obviously Emma Watson was as enviously pretty as always!
Anyway.. onto the post. So this is whats in my bag, this bag is the one I use to take to town and when I go out on the weekend. I have a completely different and much bigger bag for college. My bag is from a company called "Therapy". Its my mums but I really liked the colour and shape so I nicked it off her. So in my bag I have the following: My purse from newlook, Two giftcards for Waterstones, A small catalogue about Pandora beads, My poor broken camera, A receipt from Odeon (I bought aero mint bubbles to eat whilst enjoying Harry Potter), A pair of earrings from Accessorize, 17 lipstick in "Beehive", Barry M lipgloss in "Coral", Loreal Glamshine lipgloss in "Pink Moon" and finally.. A Barclays pen because im cool like that.So I hope you guys liked that little What's in my bag. I may do one of these posts for my college bag too? Oh and if your wondering I took the photos for this on my dads sony camera. Its not the best but it will just have to do! Finally, before I go Thomas Felton wasnt looking too shabby in the film either!