hey girls, this is not really a very fun or interesting post but lately i have been feeling kind of un inspired when it comes to my blog. I haven't got much time to post between college nights and some of the college work i have. I find myself getting really tired. I also got some hateful comments on some of my posts (you wont be able to see these because I deleted them) and I also got some hateful emails sent to my hotmail account about my blog. The comments made me feel quite upset if im honest and they nearly drove me to deleteting my blog.
I wont dwell on it to much because its not really something you guys want to here about, however I would like your help on what you girls would like to see on my blog, wether it be fotd posts or more ootd posts or even hauls. I just feel a little depressed about my blog I guess and I need some new encouragement and inspiration. Hope your all doing well and I will try and post a haul very soon! Meanwhile, as I dont want this post to be pictureless, heres an awesome peice of photography i found on the internet (I think they may have used a fish eye lens...)
I wont dwell on it to much because its not really something you guys want to here about, however I would like your help on what you girls would like to see on my blog, wether it be fotd posts or more ootd posts or even hauls. I just feel a little depressed about my blog I guess and I need some new encouragement and inspiration. Hope your all doing well and I will try and post a haul very soon! Meanwhile, as I dont want this post to be pictureless, heres an awesome peice of photography i found on the internet (I think they may have used a fish eye lens...)