I have decided to do a weekly post where I post two pictures of something and then people comment down below saying which one they prefer. So.. for instance it could be that I post two photos of two shirts from the Topshop website and then you would say which one you like the best and why. I thought it would just be a fun way to see what clothes, or hairstyles, or shoes, or makeup items that people prefer :)
So here are my first two photographs

These are two photographs of me before college, On the left I went to bed with my hair in plaits and then took them out in the morning. In the one on the right I washed my hair in the morning and tried to put it up in a messy bun but for some reason to me "it just didnt look right" so in the end I decided to just take it out and do it again, but when I took my hair out I thought it looked quite nice so I sprayed it with hairspray and left it.
So the "This or That" for the first "This or That Saturday" is:
Wavy hair from plaits or Messy curlyish hair from a bun?
this is such a good idea :)
if you're wearing it for college, then the first one, but if you were going out then the second one :) xxx
heey :) thankyou, i just wondered do you like the new layout of my blog? :)
and yeah, the first one is much easier haha :)
Hair looks so good! Jealousss!
Ooh I love both but I think the messy bun hair is the winner! :)
the right one! :) X
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