27 December, 2010

New camera, New Layout

hello girls, Im sure you have all noticed that I have changed the layout of my blog. I know that I have done this alot to my blog over the 3 or 4 months that i've had it. But the things is I always get bored of the layout and like to change it. This time however I have decided to keep it like this as im finally happy with my header and ive finally managed to get a background that I like!

So with that out the way, I have a new camera. Its not much of a big difference from my old camera except that its a couple models up from my old one and it also has a couple more megapixels and a HD movie setting. Oh and the photographs come up better now.

I went to town today to spend my £25 Topshop Vouchers but however couldnt find a pair of black skinny jeans that I wanted so I then decided to start looking for some Graphic print tee's or vests. But again I couldnt find any that I really really liked. So I decided I would wait a couple days for them to get some more stock in and then I would go back and have a look for some tops. As for the black skinny jeans... Newlook have a massive sail on and have loads of black skinny jeans so I will whisk a pair up from there!


oh hai there cute red bobble beanie! :)

I finally figured out how I can make my photos muuuuuuuch bigger without ruining the quality wahoo! im so clever! Anyway im off now to eat some Haribo tangtastics nomnom and broswe ze interwebz!

25 December, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Just a very quick festivy post... if festivy is even a word but ah well who cares! its christmas! I just want to wish all of my lovely 74 followers a Happy Christmas. I hope that you all enjoy the day whilst its here and spend it with those that you love and care about the most! I have received some lovely goodies. One of them being my Blue swatch watch! which I was most pleased with. I also received some tshirts, perfume, jewellry, boot slippers, a beautiful hollister cardi (which I will be living in) and some topshop vouchers. And I even have some more goodies from my uncle and nanny to open! Que the watch posing photos...

So that was it! I know for sure I will be heading out tomorrow for the Boxing Day Topshop Sale with my vouchers in my hand! So all thats left to say is once again...

22 December, 2010

OOTN- Its Like Goldust

heey girls, this is gonna be a very brief post on an outfit I wore out yesterday. As for the the title of the blog (The golddust bit) was from a song that played yesterday that I love. So anyway, Me and some friends went out to a little club called The Jailhouse. It was a really good night and lots of photographs were taken! I even managed not to fall over in the snow which is always a bonus. Although I did however make some very embarrassing phone calls to lots of random people. I blame it on the peach snaps! haha.

I know its not the best photograph but as you all know I dont have a camera at the moment and I didnt think my friends would appreciate me taking in depth photographs of my outfit on their cameras.
Dress: Newlook
Tights: Primark (Good ole' 100 denier)
Shoes: Just plain dolly shoes (Primark)

As for my makeup, I just did a simple silver kind of smokey eye, with a sheer coraly lip. Nothing too fancy. My hair was just straightened and then backcombed a little to make it look a little messy.

This isnt the most flattering photography of me, but I thought that on this one you could kinda see how my makeup looked! Hope you girls are all enjoying the snow if you have any where you live. Unfortunately its causing havoc where I live as its making it hard for us to get up the driveway haha. In fact, as it was so bad we had to park at the bottomn and walk up. I managed to slip over and fall flat on my back! typical.

19 December, 2010

30 things I want to do #003

hello girls, sorry it has been like nearly a week or so since I last posted anything on here. I had a very busy week this week with college and everything so couldnt find time to take some photos for a blog post I wanted to do about some latest purchases. But that post will be coming tomorrow for sure!

Im so glad that I have broken up for christmas now! I cant wait til christmas day as I have no idea what pressies im getting because the only thing I asked for was this swatch watch off my mum and dad and that was it! I had a really good last day in college on friday. A boy in my class brought in his wii and we had a whole day of guitar hero battles. It was so funny and the odd muse song popped up (which I was most pleased at haha). Anyway, onto the "30 things I want to do"

#20 Buy a lipstick, an eyeshadow, a blusher and a brush from MAC
#19 Get some streaks like Katy Perry's #18 Go to the Big Chill festival
#17 Make a rainbow cake, exactly like the one below.

#16 Learn to walk in high heels.

So that was the third installment of this mini series. How yummy does that rainbow cake look! I seriously want to make on these and then cover it in loads of american frosting! omnomnom. I loved katy perrys hair when she had those coloured streaks in it. I am thinking of getting something different done to my hair and might try some cool colours out in my hair. Im still undecided. I also really like whitneys hair in this photo. She has reddy caramel underneath and then highlights of blonde and brown on top. What do you think?

10 December, 2010

Weekdays in Photos

In order of appearance: Shaunie, Sophie & me at college. My garden at night. My crazy static hair. Dinosaurs at the Oxford museum.

This week has been very fun, I took a trip to the Oxford Museum with my art college which was okay I guess. It was the journey up there that was probably more fun! Imagine a coach full of art students watching crocodile dundee whilst travelling to oxford and using that days brief as paper aeroplanes. Nice too see weve all grown up a bit since high school!

I will be doing a post soon on some makeup items I bought. One of them being another lovely Moisture Shine Lipstick from 17. I first bought one of these a month or so ago in the shade "Beehive" so decided to go back and get a more daring colour. Hope you guys have all had a nice week and are looking forward to the weekend. I will be taking another trip into town to pig out on subway and starbucks!

06 December, 2010

30 things I want to do #002

So heres part 2 of my "30 things I want to do". I really enjoyed writing my last post on this and have enjoyed seeing other peoples responses to this. Maybe in 5-10 years time I will look back on this and be able to tick off about half off the things on the list. So here goes...

#25 Take a trip to italy and try all the lovely pastas and ice-creams
#26 Meet "that boy" who gives me proper butterflies

#23 Become a well known fashion and beauty photographer
#22 Learn How to play the drums

#21 Meet somebody famous that I admire

So that was the second part of 30 things I want to do. After writing these I start to think lots about the future and what my life will be like and what I will look like in the future. Its all very interesting stuff haha! I have a weekend haul coming up for you guys soon so keep your eyes peeled for that.

02 December, 2010

Where dreams are made

Good evening kidda's. I thought I would make good use of a Fujifilm camera that I took out of college today and snap some photos of my room as it was looking very neat and tranquil. I love the way my room looks at night because it looks all cosy and pretty. I would like to get some more things up around my room, like more photos (maybe some polaroid ones, i really want a polaroid camera haha) and I would like a corkboard thing where my friends can pin things up on and stuff. In advance, I would like to say sorry about the lack of photos, because when I took these it was dark and I hate photos with flash when its dark so yeah...

The "Lumos" idea on the lightswitch is all credit to "Becky May's Belongings". I loved the idea so much that I did it to my own lightswitch, being the nerdy harry potter fan that I am! Also, what do you think of my new layout girls? Im really liking it. Until next time

29 November, 2010

30 things I want to do

evening lovelies, sorry about the two posts in one day thing but I saw a post that a girl did on her blog (for the life of me I cant remember her blog name) and it really inspired me to do one too. The post was 30 things she wanted to achieve in her lifetime or maybe in the next 10 years or so. Maybe I should do this post in parts and post five things I want to do in each post until I get down to number one? yeah thats a good idea! So..

#30 Visit Liverpool for a week and admire all the liverpudlian accents
#29 See Muse live in concert

#28 Watch all the Harry Potter movies back to back
#27 Visit the Hummingbird bakery and pig out on one of their cupcakes

#26 Sucessfully do the worm dance move

So that was my first 5 over with, I think im going to do a post of these every week :) I really enjoyed doing this actually. Also what do you guys think of my new layout? I wanted something different haha and I finally got the layout I wanted. Im sure you guys saw my sneaky pictures I snuck in on the sides of Harry potter and Misfits, I love all of the characters in both of those. Anyway until next time!

What's in my bag?

Morning lovelies. First of all before I get into the What's in my bag post I would like to talk about Harry Potter quickly. I went to see it yesterday and to be very honest... it rocked my socks! Okay what a crap phrase. Basically it was amazing. It kept me interested the whole time and when I was watching it I couldnt stop thinking "since when did Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint get so... hot". Obviously Emma Watson was as enviously pretty as always!

Anyway.. onto the post. So this is whats in my bag, this bag is the one I use to take to town and when I go out on the weekend. I have a completely different and much bigger bag for college. My bag is from a company called "Therapy". Its my mums but I really liked the colour and shape so I nicked it off her. So in my bag I have the following: My purse from newlook, Two giftcards for Waterstones, A small catalogue about Pandora beads, My poor broken camera, A receipt from Odeon (I bought aero mint bubbles to eat whilst enjoying Harry Potter), A pair of earrings from Accessorize, 17 lipstick in "Beehive", Barry M lipgloss in "Coral", Loreal Glamshine lipgloss in "Pink Moon" and finally.. A Barclays pen because im cool like that.

So I hope you guys liked that little What's in my bag. I may do one of these posts for my college bag too? Oh and if your wondering I took the photos for this on my dads sony camera. Its not the best but it will just have to do! Finally, before I go Thomas Felton wasnt looking too shabby in the film either!

22 November, 2010

I need your help

Being the dumbwit that I am, I am having problems with the layout of my blog. I would love to set out my blog like those of something like irene or llymlrs. As you can see by their layouts, what I mean is like a three column layout with the two other columns to the right. However when I set it like this all the things in the collumns become out of proportion and to thin in width. What would really help would be if any of you guys knew how to make a blog wider? or if any of you could send me your html layout (only if you have a layout like the one i desire) No worries if nobody knows but I just wanted to put it out thar!

On another note, my friend has started up a blog. She has problems posting however because she doesnt have a computer available atm but she could post from college computers! It would mean alot if you guys would follow her because she'd have no idea where all the followers came from :) Her blog:

Was looking through some old photos of a trip I took to worcester with my friends when I came across this photo that I took of my vanilla ice drinky thing. Dude what I would do for when of them right now. I remeber just before I bought this, I had stuffed my face full of subway so in the end I actually hardly drank any of it!

20 November, 2010

OOTD: Heart Print Tights & Owl Necklaces

hey girls, I was in my garden and decided to take a photo of a leaf on the floor. I was crouching down and resting on my feet and unfortunately I lost my balance and fell forward onto my camera. I landed on the lens when it was fully out and basically its buggered. Hopefully I can get it repaired, im willing to pay as much as it takes to get it repaired because I love my camera and I have broke so many in the past and promised my dad I wouldnt break this one.
Anyway, onto the outfit...

Because I totally buggered up my camera lens I didnt manage to get any photos of my outfit and had to take photos on my crappy webcam, but I left it too late so the lighting is shockingly crap. Ah well, I will post the photos anyway.

Sorry about the photos being utter crap, Heres details on the outfit:
Cardigan: Topshop
Dress: H&M
Tights: Newlook (The heart print ones that I shew in another post)
Brown Brogues: Peacocks

Hopefully I will be able to get my camera fixed soon!
Until next time

18 November, 2010

My Style Icons

hey girls! I was going to do a post on some recent purchases but the lighting was shockingly crappy so it stopped me from posting any photos but i promise tomorrow that as soon as I get home I wont plonk myself on the sofa and start watching Friends, instead I will take some photos. So as a little filler im gonna show you girls some of my style icons (celebrities that I admire because of their fashion, hair, makeup styles blah blah)

Whitney Port: I admire her for her unique sense of fashion and the fact that she can pull off the natural makeup look wherever she may be. Her hair always looks effortlessly gorgeous and the colour is just... wow!

Cheryl Cole: First of all, Her hair is to die for, I know she probably spends alot of time on it but it looks so glossy and healthy! I also love cheryls makeup on xfactor, she always has something different but her skin always looks flawless.

Katy Perry: I love Katy's music and her style, she always dresses really quirky and I love that she isnt afraid to wear weird outfits like dresses covered in cherries or put pink and blue streaks in her hair. I also love her makeup in this photo.

So they were my style icons, I would love for you all to comment and tell me your style icons, I love seeing who people are inspired by and whom they admire.
Until next time

15 November, 2010

Boots Botanics Range

bonjour lovelies! I decided to do a review on the Boots Botanics skincare range as I bought three products from them about 2 weeks ago and have been using them ever since. I really really like all of these products and the main reason is because they have completely got rid of my dry skin!

So heres what I bought:
Moisturising Deep Clean Foam (This is just a fancy name for a face wash, I really like the thick creamy texture of this face wash and it really makes me feel like im getting right into my skin and getting rid of all the dirt. It also has a nice light floral scent to it)

Smoothing Face Polish (This is again just a fancy name for an exfoliator, The granules in this are pretty small so it doesnt feel to rough or harsh on your skin when your using it. It really makes my skin feel baby soft after using it. The scent to this is very strongly cranberry scented which I personally dont like)

Day Shift Moisture Cream (I dont actually call it Day Shit Moisture Cream, I normally just call it my moisturiser. I absoloutley adore this, its so thick and unlike any other moisturiser I have tried it actually feels like its helping my dry skin instead of sitting on top of it. This moisturiser has honey in it so it takes about 10 minutes to set in. This also has a light floral scent)

So thats my little review over, I really love these products and i am deffinetely going to add to my Boots Botanics products. Have you ever tried any of the Boots Botanics Range?
Until next time

13 November, 2010

Tag: It's all about me

I wasnt actually tagged for this but I thought it looked really cool so decided to do it anyway

Vital Statistics:
Nicknames: Lou, Louloubelle, Luigi, LouLou, Louie,
Birthday: 29th July 1994
Place Of Birth: Portsmouth UK
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Male or Female: Female
Occupation: I dont have a job atm :/ but I am at college
Residence: West Midlands
Screen Name: Louloubellesx3

Hair Colour:
Browny Blonde
Hair Length: Long
Eye Colour: Blue
Best Feature: Eyes
Height: 5ft7
Braces: Yes, I have them now :/
Glasses: Nope
Peircings: Just my ears
Tattoos: None
Righty Or Lefty: Righty

Your "Firsts"
First Best Friend:
My friend charlie, who I have been friends with since we were 4 :)
First Award: One that I got for entering an art competition, I won a trophy and everything!
First Sport You Joined: Well, Ballet when I was 4 but they kicked me out
First Real Vacation: Italy
First Concert: Britains Got Talent tour, yeah I know, I was cool okay!
First Love: I dont think I've really had one yet

Avatar or Billy Elliot
Tv Show: F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Colour: Khaki's and Peaches
Song: Either "One day like this" by Elbow or "Starlight" by Muse
Candy: Haribo Tangfastics (Exspecially the cherries"
Restaurant: Pizza Express or Pizza Hut
Store: Too many haha, I cant choose
School: I dont know? haha
Book: Anything thats intresting
Magazine: More & Look
Shoes: Pumps (Some people call them Dolly shoes)

Feeling: Happy and Relaxed
Single or Taken: Single
Eating: Nothing...
Typing: This
Online: Well duh..
Listening to: Im not, Im watching Hollyoaks
Thinking about: Well Im concentrating pretty hard on this haha :)
Wanting: Food
Watching: Hollyoaks *Guitar Solo* dow dow dow dow dow dow

Want Children?:
Yes! one day later on in the future, maybe when im like 25/26?
Want to be married: umm... yaah!
Careers in Mind: Photographer?
Where do you want to live: I would like to stay in england :) As much as people moan about it I do still love it and all my family are here anyway

Have You Ever:
Kissed a Stranger:
Had Alcohol: Yup
Smoked: Nope, its disgusting, I never have and never will
Ran Away from home: Well if you call taking my suitcase with nothing in it and my tigger, putting my coat on and walking to the end of the driveway not running away from home then... nope
Broken a bone: Well I fractured my arm?
Broken someones heart: Nope
Broken up with someone: Yes
Cried when someone died: Yes
Cried at school: Yes

Do you believe in:
Miracles: Yes
Love at First Sight: Not sure
Ghosts: No
Aliens: Yes, I mean out of all the planets and stars there must be life out there somewhere?
Soul Mates: Yes
Heaven: Not sure
Hell: No
Kissing on the first date: yeah, exspecially if there really hot hehe :)
Yourself: Yes, sometimes

Ooh, so that was it!
I tag: Irene Vicky & Chloe :)
Until next time

07 November, 2010


hello again, its only been a day since the last time i spoke to you guys. I was just bored and instead of getting off my lazy ass and taking photos of my new skincare regime, I thought instead I would do a "currently" post and say what things im currently doing, watching, waring, eating blah blah blah...
Monster Vs Aliens (woo im cool)
Eating: Chocolate Spread on Crumpets (nom nom)
Doing: Sat on the sofa watching a film and blogging to you guys
Thinking about: wether to wash my hair or not today?
Wearing: My Pj's and my red dressing gown
Wanting: A peach cream blusher (from any brand)

So that was my little currently post over with, I may just post these any time I feel like it as little filler posts. Hope you guys liked it and please send me your versions of these :)
Until the next post

06 November, 2010

OOTD: August leaves and Checked Shirts

hello again everyone :) I am feeling much happier from my last post and am now starting to get used to jamie not being here anymore, even though i do miss him a hell of a lot. So today was just a stay at home saturday really, a bit boring but the weather wasnt too shabby so I decided to throw on this outfit to show you guys how i wear my new checked top and new tights

The leaves are nearly all of the trees now but when this tree sheds it leaves i love it because the ground gets covered in them and there all crunchy haha. I got bored of taking photos after a while and decided to make a "leaf pile" I love the autumn, apart from summer its one of my favourite seasons. What do you love about autumn?
Until the next post

01 November, 2010

Purchses over the last week

Ola bloggettes! I was meaning to get this post up earlier but a close friend of mine whom I had never met but had grew really close to over msn died about a day ago. He was one of those people that only had love in his heart to give and share and sadly he had a terminal illness that couldnt be cured. Me and all his other friends thought he had so much more longer but sadly he was under alot of stress from splitting up with his girlfriend of 11 months that I guess his body and mind couldnt take it anymore and so he felt it was time to pass. The one thing I was glad to hear about was that just before he died in the hospital he was told by his gf to "let go and that it would be alright". I just hope he went knowing how much everybody loved and adored him.

Anyway thats all I am going to say about that, I dont want to dwell on it over my blog. This post is mainly just on some items that I have bought over the past week/s.

17's sheer moisture lipstick in "Beehive" (First photos is w/ flash, Second is without)

Loreal glamshine lipgloss in "Pink Moon" Checked shirt (It was actually from the mens bit) in Primark.

Heart Print tights from Newlook

So they were my lovely items that I bought, I actually need your help. I am a little stuck on what to wear with my new heart printed tights? As its bladdy freezing in the UK i want to wear them but still keep warm. All comments will be very helpful! (On a side note: R.I.P Jamie: for the short time I knew you, you inspired me to be a better person and to hear that you were an organ donor has inspired me to be one too, take care)
Until the next post,

28 October, 2010

OOTD: Flowery Leggings

Hello my lovelies, sorry for the lack of posting. I've been quite busy looking after my dad as he had a heart operation and I felt the need to look after him and help out my my mum with any jobs that she needed doing.
But dont fear! I have some makeup related posts coming up soon which I havent done in a while. There is a FOTD and a post about a lovely lipstick, and also a post about some skincare products that I bought.

Anyway, onto the outfit. I have never worn these leggings before because I always thought they looked a bit pyjamary? is that even a word? Well I always thought they looked like pyjamas but I decided to wear them today.

OOTD: Flowery Leggings: TU at Sainsburys
Tshirt: Next
Grey Leather Jacket: H&M
Military Boots: Primark

So that was my little OOTD, I look forward to the up and coming posts and hope you do too! If I havent mentioned please find me on lookbook and maybe hype some of my looks?
Until next time

23 October, 2010

Lush Minty Julips Review

Hello my lovely bloggeroos, this is just a little review on Lush's Minty Julips Lip Scrub which I bought about a week ago and can safely say that it works wonders! I bought this when I went to worcester to see The Social Network, See my review on the film here and had read some good things about it so was expecting it to turn out brilliantly... and it did!

Its basically just castor sugar with some jojoba oil, vanilla extract, peppermint oil and stuff to make it taste sort of chocolately too as it is peppermint and chocolate flavour. I really do love this little pot of minty sugar and its worked wonders for the dry skin on my lips and at £4.50 a pop its great!
Im without a doubt going to get the bubblegum flavour of this!
So thats my little review over, ooh and on another note there was a fire in the town where I live, im sure you all read about it from LLYMLRS, it burned down river island, the card factory, and some of anne summers! what a shame!
Anyway, Until next time
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