Anyway.. onto the post. So this is whats in my bag, this bag is the one I use to take to town and when I go out on the weekend. I have a completely different and much bigger bag for college. My bag is from a company called "Therapy". Its my mums but I really liked the colour and shape so I nicked it off her. So in my bag I have the following: My purse from newlook, Two giftcards for Waterstones, A small catalogue about Pandora beads, My poor broken camera, A receipt from Odeon (I bought aero mint bubbles to eat whilst enjoying Harry Potter), A pair of earrings from Accessorize, 17 lipstick in "Beehive", Barry M lipgloss in "Coral", Loreal Glamshine lipgloss in "Pink Moon" and finally.. A Barclays pen because im cool like that.
So I hope you guys liked that little What's in my bag. I may do one of these posts for my college bag too? Oh and if your wondering I took the photos for this on my dads sony camera. Its not the best but it will just have to do! Finally, before I go Thomas Felton wasnt looking too shabby in the film either!

great post(:, i really like your bag!xxx
im liking the new layout :) xxx
barclays pens are the worst!x
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