#30 Visit Liverpool for a week and admire all the liverpudlian accents
#29 See Muse live in concert

#27 Visit the Hummingbird bakery and pig out on one of their cupcakes

So that was my first 5 over with, I think im going to do a post of these every week :) I really enjoyed doing this actually. Also what do you guys think of my new layout? I wanted something different haha and I finally got the layout I wanted. Im sure you guys saw my sneaky pictures I snuck in on the sides of Harry potter and Misfits, I love all of the characters in both of those. Anyway until next time!

I live really close to liverpool!! :) x
fantastic idea for a post. it's so interesting to see what other people want to do with their lives... the big things seem similar on most peoples blogs but there are lots of little things that are totally different
just stumbled across you blog and it's awesome. started following =)
This is a lovely idea- Think you should turn this into a TAG!xx
im glad you liked my 'lumos' idea, thanks for your sweet comment. cool idea for a post :)
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